Leadership Perspectives

6 Ways to Give Your Mobile Strategy the Edge with Pay-Per-Call

Becky Doles

Mobile, mobile, mobile. I know you’ve heard all about mobile’s meteoric growth and the many reasons it should be your first priority, so I’m going to skip the backstory and dive into how you can give your mobile strategy the edge it needs. Prepare to pat yourself on the back while the mobile conversions roll in. Or should I say phone in? I’ll explain.

The Mobile Pay-Per-Call Opportunity

A solid mobile strategy depends on giving consumers the option to call. Mobile devices are phones. It’s an obvious truth easily overlooked when smartphones also happen to be cameras, gaming devices, and a constant connection to the Internet. But making a call is its native function and a natural next step for mobile users. Consider the stats:

  • 70% of all local, mobile searches result in a call (source: Google Mobile Playbook)
  • When people use mobile search they are 39% more likely to call a business (source: Google Search Moments)

Mobile audiences tend to be very action-driven, making mobile search a uniquely prime channel for pay-per-call campaigns. These consumers are goal-oriented, searching for an immediate answer or solution – 70% of all mobile searches result in an action within one hour, according to Google! Often the quickest and easiest path to conversion for this demographic is simply placing a call. Who wants to enter personal and credit card information in a five step form on a small screen?

With pay-per-call campaigns advertisers and publishers can better target mobile users resulting in more conversions, better quality leads, valuable caller data and ultimately a better marketing ROI. The phone is powerful.

1. Higher Click-Through-Rates

Including phone numbers in ads results in higher click-through-rates. They give your ad credibility, and using Google AdWords’ Call Extensions to display a phone number makes your ad larger and more clickable. Adding tap-to-call links, whether on an ad or landing page, makes you even more accessible to customers. It’s all about providing consumers with convenient options.

2. More Conversions and Higher Value Conversions

Phone calls refer highly valuable traffic. According to a Kelsey Group study, a customer who makes a phone call is 10 times more likely to make a purchase than if they had only clicked. Callers also tend to spend more than their online counterparts. It’s not hard to figure out why. Callers are actively engaged. They are connecting with the advertiser at the point of their highest interest level. They are getting personal attention from a qualified sales representative who can answer questions and alleviate concerns. There is also no back button or shopping cart abandonment to combat. You’ve got them on the line.

3. Better Quality Traffic

Pay-per-call platforms, like RingRevenue, also provide robust quality filters and call routing features. Don’t waste valuable time, resources, and selling opportunities on wrong numbers, low quality traffic, or worse yet accidental dials – a common problem with the mobile crowd. With advanced IVR technology you can filter customers based on any criteria that makes sense for your business. You’ll only connect with consumers who fit your customer profile.

4. Customizable Call Routing

With call routing features, you can also automatically transfer consumers to the appropriate line. Most businesses want to route sales calls differently than customer service calls. You can route calls based on any factor such as geographic location so customers are put in contact with the branch or store nearest them, which is incredibly valuable for location-minded mobile users. The applications are endless.

5. Actionable Data

Pay-per-call arms you with data. In the arena of mobile marketing, what better tool could you ask for? Each call is accompanied with valuable analytics and insights that tell you who your target audience is so you can better market to them. Find out what keywords (organic and paid) result in high quality phone calls. It’s time to ditch those pricey, ineffective keywords, and ramp up the spend on the ones that are working. Learn which campaigns and marketing channels are referring call traffic so you can better allocate your marketing budget or make adjustments to your campaigns. With pay-per-call, you can also edit your IVR and call routing in real time so you can make optimizations or changes to reflect external circumstances like changing store hours.

You’ll not only have more data about your marketing performance, you’ll understand your customers better. Discover the geographic location your callers are from, and what offers or items they are most interested in. You can even track what kind of mobile phone they have and what carrier they use. With the option to record calls, you’ll also have access to a wealth of information on your callers as well as the performance of sales agents and the effectiveness of your sales funnel.

6. Complete Scalability

Pay-per-call makes mobile marketing better. But what happens when your mobile marketing efforts take off and suddenly you’re running hundreds of mobile campaigns and needing hundreds of phone numbers? Fear not. RingRevenue’s pay-per-call solution handles those details for you. It takes less than a minute to generate a new tracking phone number. You can also use your pay-per-call platform to manage all third party marketing partners, like agencies, lead aggregators, or publishers. You will be able track their performance, automatically distribute new phone numbers, and set payouts or commissions. Pay-per-call not only improves your mobile marketing, it provides the tools you need to keep growing.

It’s time to give your mobile marketing the edge. Learn more about pay-per-call and RingRevenue’s complete call marketing solution today. RingRevenue is also fully integrated with HasOffers affiliate tracking software. What could be easier?

Becky Doles

Becky is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at TUNE. Before TUNE, she handled content strategy and marketing communications at several tech startups in the Bay Area. Becky received her bachelor's degree in English from Wake Forest University. After a decade in San Francisco and Seattle, she has returned home to Charleston, SC, where you can find her strolling through Hampton Park with her pup and enjoying the simple things between adventures with friends and family.

2 responses to “6 Ways to Give Your Mobile Strategy the Edge with Pay-Per-Call”

  1. […] I’m going to skip the backstory and dive into how you can give your mobile strategy the … Read this post » Filed Under: HasOffers […]

  2. Earl Brown says:

    I’ve been a Pay Per Call pro for 10 years, and this is one of the best articles I’ve seen. Amber’s excellent analysis of the value of mobile PPCall shows just how great this performance-based model really is. Thanks Amber!

    Earl Brown
    ebrown [at] valueleads.com

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