Mobile Marketing

[Webinar] Better user appquisition: How to grow organic installs with app store optimization

Becky Doles

organic installs

In the game of app marketing, you can’t be hands-off — especially if you’re looking to get your app atop the charts. Here at TUNE, we work with a lot of app marketers who ask us how they can rank higher in app stores, get more organic downloads, and find effective methods for app store optimization. To get you started, we’ve gathered the basics and some starting points you can explore.

To learn how to improve your app store optimization, view our free webinar to learn from TUNE and CheapOair ASO experts

What ASO is and isn’t

App store optimization (ASO) is a method to increase your app’s ranking in the app store and rank better in search results. If you have a gaming app that currently sits at spot 117 when someone searches for “car racing game” and you really want to break into the top 25, using app store optimization techniques can help you do just that. More visibility means more downloads and more users using your app — and spending money while they do.

However, ASO isn’t a magic wand that will shoot your app to the top of the charts with one wave. It’s a process that you’ll need to work at consistently to eventually see dividends. This process includes getting to know who your customers are, and what they are searching for. Understanding which keywords they are using to finds apps that are in the same category to yours is a good start.

Imagine you have a car racing app. Ask yourself these questions:

-What age is my typical user? There is a huge difference in interest between males who are 13 and males who are 21. If you’re targeting both those ages, your creatives should be different.

-How did they find me? Was it an ad or organic? If an ad, which channel? If the majority of your users come from Facebook or another app, you know you should invest more in those channels.

-If they downloaded your app, which keywords did they use? Did they search “car,” “car racing,” “speed racing,” “auto racing,” “fast and furious game,” or something else? These are all slightly different terms, and if you can find that you rank better for one or the other, it’s probably a good idea to optimize for that.

Organic installs are really important

Did you know that 65% of downloads come straight from Apple App Store searches? That means that the better you optimize app store factors like your icon, description, and screenshots, the more users you’ll get for less.

Every paid install has an organic multiplier. What that means is for every paid install you receive, you will get an average of 1.5 free installs. This varies by industry, as shown below.

Become an ASO expert

To learn how to improve your app store optimization, view our free webinar to learn from TUNE and CheapOair ASO experts.  

Becky Doles

Becky is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at TUNE. Before TUNE, she handled content strategy and marketing communications at several tech startups in the Bay Area. Becky received her bachelor's degree in English from Wake Forest University. After a decade in San Francisco and Seattle, she has returned home to Charleston, SC, where you can find her strolling through Hampton Park with her pup and enjoying the simple things between adventures with friends and family.

4 responses to “[Webinar] Better user appquisition: How to grow organic installs with app store optimization”

  1. Ignacio Sauchelli says:

    “join us for our free webinar next Tuesday, June 28th”
    it’s on the 27th 🙂

  2. Curious says:

    Was this recorded? I just saw this and would love to see the discussion. Thanks!

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