
The Path to Becoming a Mobile Performance Marketing Jedi Master

Becky Doles

mobile performance marketing

Affiliate Summit is without a doubt a must for performance marketers to attend, and last week’s show in New York City proved no different. The HasOffers team joined over 1,000 marketers who were eager to mingle, learn, and have fun together over the three-day conference. Not only were we thrilled to support ASE 15 as a bronze sponsor, we were very excited about the opportunity to bring together our very own Mobile Performance Jedi Council for an informative session during the conference.

Despite having a 10 a.m. time-slot on the last day of the conference, we were happy to see a crowd of young Padawans ready to soak in the mobile performance marketing knowledge from our experienced Jedi Masters:

While it would be impossible to express all of the wisdom shared by our Jedi Council during the panel, we wanted to share a few main takeaways:

Expectations for publishers are changing

Advertisers are getting more savvy about performance and mobile marketing, and they expect publishers to be extremely transparent about their methodology behind driving clicks and conversions. Advertisers now look much further down the funnel rather than just at the install, so they not only expect publishers to drive that initial install or purchase, but they are also wanting publishers to help them obtain quality users that will have high LTVs. The biggest piece of advice our panelists gave publishers? Be as transparent and open as possible with your advertisers.

Click to Tweet: “Expectations for publishers are changing. Advertisers now look much further down the funnel rather than just the install.” – Konstantin Dieterle, AppLift

Not only can you not treat mobile the same way that you treat desktop, you also can’t assume that mobile will be the same in every region across the globe.
It is now common knowledge that advertisers and publishers who treat mobile and desktop as extensions of one another are doomed for failure. In the same way that you can not copy and paste the same strategy between mobile and desktop, our council warned their audience of the dangers of repeating the same mistake between the various regions they are running campaigns in. For example, Florian noted that mobile behaviour varies between the European market and emerging markets such as Latin America, India, and Southeast Asia. In the EU, he said it is much better to encourage an app install or an m-commerce action rather than taking users to native mobile content—whereas in mobile-first regions such as Southeast Asia and Latin America, it is the opposite. Therefore, your mobile campaign goals and strategies must vary depending on the particular region.

Click to Tweet: “Everyone should be going mobile, it’s the future. But you can’t do the same thing as you do on desktop.” – Konstantin Dieterle, AppLift

Networks must take on the role of educators

Specifically, our panelists emphasized that networks must educate advertisers about the importance of mobile and how mobile campaigns and strategies differ from desktop. They stressed that networks have a responsibility to help advertisers understand how to best optimize their mobile campaigns and how to choose the right channels and ad units for the particular audience they want to reach. Specifically, with e-commerce advertisers, our panelists discussed how networks must educate advertisers about deep linking—sending users to a specific location within a mobile app–and stress to them that deep linking is the future of m-commerce.

Click to Tweet: “We have to educate the advertisers that deep linking is the future of m-commerce.” – Florian Lehwald, KissMyads

Thank you again to everyone who was able to attend our panel at ASE! We encourage you to continue your training, and we have full confidence that one day you too will become a mobile performance jedi master!

Meet us at Leadscon NY at booth #206 if you’d like more training on how to become a mobile performance marketing Jedi Master.

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Becky Doles

Becky is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at TUNE. Before TUNE, she handled content strategy and marketing communications at several tech startups in the Bay Area. Becky received her bachelor's degree in English from Wake Forest University. After a decade in San Francisco and Seattle, she has returned home to Charleston, SC, where you can find her strolling through Hampton Park with her pup and enjoying the simple things between adventures with friends and family.

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