
The Top 6 HasOffers Features You Should Be Using

Becky Doles

Top HasOffers Features

2019 Update: HasOffers has rebranded to TUNE! Read the rebrand announcement here or head to our homepage to learn more.

The HasOffers platform integrates with other SDKs, delivers top-notch customer support (with a 98% customer satisfaction rate to prove it), and provides your publishers with their own login, among other features. Because all our new bells and whistles may not get as much spotlight as they deserve, here are the top features for out clients, list courtesy of our support engineers.

1. Event Tracer

What it does: Gives you a near real-time stream of events.
Why you need it: Event tracer allows super fast searching of clicks, server postback logs, and other tracking events from the last 30 days. This used to be a tedious process where if you needed to find a specific postback request, you would have to sort through the logs manually or reach out to our support team for a particular postback log. Basically, it was CSV hell.
Troubleshoot missing postbacks and statistical discrepancies. For example, if you see a link converting on your side but the advertiser doesn’t see it, you can search for that discrepancy by a number of filters and it’ll appear within seconds—voila! It enables faster go-lives, quicker testing, and the ability to look into individual errors.
Who gets it: Pro and enterprise clients
How to get to it in the dashboard: Reports event tracer

Event Tracer TUNE interface

2. HasOffers Network Dashboard Mobile App

What it does: Yeah, we know this isn’t a “feature,” exactly, but it’s too good not to make the cut. With the networks dashboard mobile app you can check your network’s revenue, payouts, profits, conversions, and clicks wherever and whenever you want, all on your mobile device.
How to get it: Enterprise customers can download the app and stay connected. Find it in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.

3. Mobile Stats Report

What it does: Aggregates click and conversions based on different mobile filters such as mobile device type, mobile carrier, mobile device brand, and operating system version.
Why you need it: It doesn’t get much granular than this. See the mobile device trends for each of your offers and adjust campaigns based on the information you want.
Who gets it: Enterprise clients only
How to get to it: Reports → mobile stats report

HasOffers Mobile Stats Report gif

4. Notifications

What it does: Notifies you of any changes within HasOffers.
Why you need it: Stay up-to-date with the offers you are running. By getting real-time results and notifications, you will be able to adjust offers. We send email notifications for changes that happen in the platform. In-app notifications are sent to the admins and publishers or affiliates who are subscribed. There’s a wide range of scenarios that result in a notification, such as offer status changes, payout changes, offer expiration date, offer cap notifications, and more.
Who gets it: Pro and enterprise clients
How to get it: Take note, these features must be opted into within your HasOffers account. Publishers are able to opt in or out of notifications of their choice. Once opted in, for email notifications: Company → my account → manage email notifications subscriptions

Email Notifications in TUNE

5. Advanced Targeting

What it does: Define your own advanced targeting rules using regular expressions, or use pre-existing rules.
Why you need it: You’re the boss, make your own rules: Target exactly the traffic you want, and avoid the traffic you don’t want. We have preset rules based on popularly-targeted devices such as iOS, Android, Windows, etc. More on targeting.
Who gets it: Enterprise clients only
How to get it: Offers → manage offers → click on desired offer → targeting → edit

Advanced Targeting in TUNE

(Note: All offers shown are test offers in a test account.)

6. Rule-Based Payouts

What it does: Alters payouts and revenue based on custom rules
Why you need it: Predetermine payouts based on rules that you define: advanced targeting, advertiser sub_id vales, countries, etc. This feature helps incentivize traffic from high-value users. For example, someone who is on the new version of iOS is more likely to spend money on an app than someone who is two updates behind. If you want users who have the newest iOS update, you can assign a higher payout to those who bring users on the new iOS.
Who gets it: Enterprise clients only
Who gets it: How to get it: Affiliates → payouts & revenue groups

Payout and Revenue Groups in TUNE

 Honorable Mentions:

1. Real-time reporting
2. Dedicated account management: Pro and enterprise clients have access to 24/7 email support. Enterprise clients also have access to 24/5 phone support and a dedicated account manager, available during his/her office hours.
3. Lead generation
4. Multichannel search and display attribution

Got ideas? If there’s and additional feature you’d like to see in HasOffers, email your CSM and let us know.

Are you currently a pro client and would like to upgrade to enterprise to receive all the features listed? Reach out to our HasOffers sales team at [email protected]

Becky Doles

Becky is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at TUNE. Before TUNE, she led a variety of marketing and communications projects at San Francisco startups. Becky received her bachelor's degree in English from Wake Forest University. After living nearly a decade in San Francisco and Seattle, she has returned to her home of Charleston, SC, where you can find her enjoying the sun and salt water with her family.

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