
10 Performance Marketing Predictions for 2016

Becky Doles

It’s that time of the year when everyone wants to make performance marketing predictions about what the big trends will be over the coming 12 months.

At TUNE we’re no exception. Taking a look over the horizon, here are our 10 predictions for performance marketing trends in 2016.

1. Video Advertising Will Come of Age

Animoto, a cloud-based video service, has compiled some compelling statistics that illustrate the power of video:

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  • Nearly 60 percent of customers believe companies that offer video content are more trustworthy than those that do not.
  • 77 percent of customers view companies that create online videos as more engaged with consumers.

With faster broadband and 4G speeds, cellphones are becoming an essential device for just about everyone, and platforms that allow advertisers to efficiently reach their customers will all help expand the reach of video advertising in 2016.

2. Mobile Traffic Will Continue to Grow

In May 2015, Google announced that the number of mobile searches had surpassed desktop searches.

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There’s no reason to believe this trend will slow down in 2016. However, Search Engine Land notes that mobile is not the only device where usage is increasing. Usage across all devices has grown, including desktop, so don’t be ready to dismiss desktop advertising just yet. Rather than mobile taking a larger share of the pie, the pie is simply getting bigger.

3. Marketers Will Focus on Mastering and Optimizing “Micro-Moments”

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Google estimates we check our mobile phones at least 150 times a day and for about a minute each time. We’re spending these micro-moments on our phones doing different things, such as checking email or uploading photos to Facebook.

We may not welcome an interaction with a brand during these micro-moments, but we’ll be more receptive if a brand presents real-time, useful information when we need it. In 2016, performance marketers who put some thought into how to appropriately engage with customers during these micro-moments will do well.

With such developments in the industry, 2016 is sure to be a prosperous year for savvy performance marketers.

Becky Doles

Becky is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at TUNE. Before TUNE, she handled content strategy and marketing communications at several tech startups in the Bay Area. Becky received her bachelor's degree in English from Wake Forest University. After a decade in San Francisco and Seattle, she has returned home to Charleston, SC, where you can find her strolling through Hampton Park with her pup and enjoying the simple things between adventures with friends and family.