Acquisition & Engagement

3 Quick Tips to Give Your App Store Optimization Strategy a Boost

Becky Doles

app store optimization tips

When it comes to app store optimization — that is, making your app as prominent as it can be in the app store — there are so many ways to go about it that it can be dizzying to know where to begin, or where your efforts are best spent.

I asked a few of our foremost app store optimization experts for the top tips they’d recommend out of all the available tactics. Since they work with 90 percent of the highest-grossing apps, you might want to lean in for this…

App Store Optimization: Three Essential Tactics

1. Always Try New Things

You might think that you’ve already got a good thing going with your app, or that little changes here and there are just too hard to measure. But if you want to increase organic visibility and install rates, you should always be trying new things. Mix up your keywords, screenshots, descriptions, and so on. Monitor your app’s rankings and how they impact your bottom line. A useful tool (if we do say so ourselves) is App Store Analytics, which tracks keywords, rankings, reviews, competitors, and more.

– Patrick Haig, Product Manager of App Store Analytics

2. Learn From Your Competitors’ Mistakes

A tool like App Store Analytics can also help you identify which keywords your competitors are targeting, when they release new versions of their app, what users are saying about thier app, and how their app metadata changes over time. This can help you avoid mistakes that your competitors had to learn the hard way. You can even set up automatic alerts for changes that you should be aware of, like competitor insights and your own Top Charts rankings, top keyword rankings, and reviews.

– Tam Phan, Organic Growth Expert for App Store Analytics

3. Test in a Controlled Environment When Possible

Now that you’re aware it’s a good idea try some new approaches with your app store appearance, you may be tempted to march right over to your product team to see how some new screenshots perform. But not so fast — you’ll be making it harder on yourself than it has to be. Products like A/B Testing can show you how different screenshots, videos, logos, colors, and other assets will perform in the app store, so you can know which ones will be most effective before even requesting the changes from your team.

– Patrick Haig, Product Manager of App Store Analytics

Become an Expert in App Store Optimization

App store optimization is a complex process that requires the right mix of paid and organic growth strategy. If you’re intent on upping your app store optimization skills, check out our free report, “The Complete Guide to App Marketing.” It’ll give you an in-depth look at ways to boost your app’s discoverability, no matter what kind of budget or app you’re working with.

Becky Doles

Becky is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at TUNE. Before TUNE, she handled content strategy and marketing communications at several tech startups in the Bay Area. Becky received her bachelor's degree in English from Wake Forest University. After a decade in San Francisco and Seattle, she has returned home to Charleston, SC, where you can find her strolling through Hampton Park with her pup and enjoying the simple things between adventures with friends and family.

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