Leadership Perspectives

3 Tactics to Improve the Quality of Your Mobile Lead Gen Campaigns

Becky Doles

mobile lead gen

This is a guest blog post by Jeff Deisner from SaaS platform PX.

It used to be that running a lead generation campaign was about setting up a form on a website, collecting some lead data, and posting it into a customer database.  Over time, lead generation became an important way to find new customers. As it became more prominent, two big things happened — lead quality became a concern and the use of mobile devices proliferated. In this post, we’ll review three ways to improve the quality of your mobile lead gen campaigns.

Lead Quality Is a Big Deal

What was once a trickle of lead volume through a few websites has grown into an ability to collect leads on a mass scale (both good and bad) through many different devices (computers, smartphones, tablets, etc.). Further, technologies like Marketo, Hubspot, and others enable quick deployment of lead forms filled with creative and content across many different entry points, apps and websites.  

This rapid growth  of mobile technologies and media options has led to an abundance of leads that vary widely in quality and don’t allow for a consistent qualification process. Sales reps end up having to weed through so many bad leads to find the good ones that turn into customers. According to Marketing Sherpa, “61% send all leads directly to Sales; however, only 27% of those leads will be qualified.”

[bctt tweet=”Marketers need to have the right tools to enable themselves to capture quality leads.” username=”tune”]

Ultimately, marketers need to have the right tools to enable themselves to capture quality leads and over time adapt the idea of quality as the target customers evolve with the business. Using these tools effectively will enable your business to be more efficient and effective in selling to customers.

Let’s look at some key mobile lead gen tactics that should yield higher quality customers over time.

Mobile Lead Gen Tactic 1: Using the right media and content to capture customers

Do your customers prefer to engage with you through website content, app content, email content, or some other media? Knowing this information will enable you to present the right blend of content to motivate a customer to share their data with you.  

According to Entrepreneur, “your target demographic can often spot a sales pitch from a distance. Due to the amount of sales overload to which they have been exposed, many consumers will pause to consider whether they want to run the risk of engaging with a sale rep to obtain the content that you are offering.”  

Once the media type and content levels have been identified, make sure that it is formatted in a responsive way to display properly on both mobile and desktop devices. If you have a beautiful website rich in content that is not built using responsive technology, you run the risk of missing a significant portion of your website visitors. This should include the display of the lead form as well, which may include a smaller number of fields because of limited screen space.  

Mobile Lead Gen Tactic 2: Define lead quality for your business  

What constitutes a quality customer? What types of information are indicative of a lead that is likely to become a customer? These are questions that drive to one point: lead quality.  

Mobile Marketing Watch points to four key characteristics that denote quality:

[bctt tweet=”Lead scoring should include depth, accuracy, reliability, and fitness for purpose.” username=”tune”]
  • Depth. Ensure that the data captured “deep” enough to contain information not only basic demographic information but also supporting data to enable your sales team to sell.
  • Accuracy. Leverage both data validation and verification to make a lead complete.
  • Reliability. Responding in a timely way to leads and then capturing disposition data can make a significant difference in evolving what defines a quality lead.
  • Fitness for purpose. Don’t think of mobile lead generation as meeting metric goals for MQLs and SQLs. Leads are being captured to convert to paying customers, so make sure that the goals of lead generation are aligned with your business process.  

Mobile Lead Gen Tactic 3: Score leads in an efficient and consistent way  

The advancement of technology now offers many ways that leads can be scored from a quality perspective.  

Once you have defined what is a quality lead for your business, you can leverage technology to help quantify your leads. This can range from a simple third-party verification of some of your lead data to a complex, data-science approach. Approaching it at a simple level, you can use third-party services to verify or validate some of your lead data.  

More broadly, you might want to think about using several different sources to define a ‘score’ for your leads that you can then apply to the distribution of your leads.  Whether you take the simple approach or the complex route, it is important that you trust the results and it is adaptive, so that as your business evolves, your lead quality can evolve with it.  

Hubspot’s Blog points out that scoring and quantifying your leads was a myth, but the reality is that it is incredibly important. In fact, it points to an ROI of 138% for those companies that use lead scoring versus those that don’t!

The bottom line — successful and high-quality mobile lead gen campaigns are very much a reality today through the abundance of great technology solutions. Make sure that you do your homework on the right blend of that technology to get the most return on your marketing dollars.

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Becky Doles

Becky is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at TUNE. Before TUNE, she handled content strategy and marketing communications at several tech startups in the Bay Area. Becky received her bachelor's degree in English from Wake Forest University. After a decade in San Francisco and Seattle, she has returned home to Charleston, SC, where you can find her strolling through Hampton Park with her pup and enjoying the simple things between adventures with friends and family.

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