
Here’s how HasOffers clients use the platform to succeed

Becky Doles

HasOffers client testimonial

2019 Update: HasOffers has rebranded to TUNE! TUNE is the same great technology behind HasOffers, now enhanced with new tools and features for affiliate networks and performance advertisers. Check out our new network features page, compare network pricing plans, or read the rebrand announcement.

For the past seven years, our focus has been  to support clients by helping them scale their business, take control of their data (we don’t sell it or show it to anyone else), optimize campaigns in real time, and make the platform their own with a white label solution. Let them tell you themselves — the videos below share what success means for our clients, and how they achieve it.

With full transparency, StartApp successfully builds relationships with marketers and publishers

“I think that the TUNE Marketing Console is great because it allows us as publishers and advertisers to be transparent about what’s going on.  Once there is transparency, there is open conversation. The fact that an advertiser is using a certain setting and I, as a publisher, can see what he sets up and we can discuss together and come to a mutual decision, it makes a lot of difference.” — Ofer Livne, director of strategic partnerships, StartApp

The BLU Market has signed up more than 9,000 influencers through the HasOffers platform

TUNE has helped us achieve really rapid growth. Being able to differentiate ourselves in the market by taking social media influencer traffic and making it attributable has allowed us to really differentiate ourselves. We went from being one of several opportunities for people to access social media influencers to really being the marquee in the space.” — Erik Radtke, vice president of sales, The BLU Market

DauUP gets perfect results for their clients

“We use HasOffers in order to reach our client goals better. HasOffers is a perfect tool for us as a third party solution. It helps us optimize. It helps us getting better results. Reporting of HasOffers is amazing and basically it helps us get perfect results for our clients.” — Chen Shalit, head of publisher manager development, DauUp

Carrier App Traffic has scaled from running a few campaigns, to 5,000 at time

“You know, there are so many campaigns, so many partners out there.  No one can do everything. And it’s super important to figure out what you shouldn’t be doing.  And that’s really been a big difference that TUNE has made for us.” — Blake Fayling, founder and CEO, Carrier App Traffic

Moburst gets complete control of their data

“We’re very very focused on ROI, and we were looking for a system that would give us more control on the data. So historically, we were more reliant on our clients’ third party tracking and HasOffers helped us kind of getting more control on the data.” — Lior Eldan, COO and co-founder, Moburst

Tracsion continues to see revenue increase, month over month with HasOffers

“We use HasOffers on a day-to-day basis for integration, for tracking mobile apps with our advertisers and publishers. It’s very easy to integrate with fellow HasOffers users through postbacks and we find that, I mean it’s instantaneous, the way that we can sync up … If we’re talking about reporting, if we’re talking about what’s going on with the campaign, if you’re talking to someone else who uses HasOffers, it’s really easy to know exactly what each other is talking about and even looking at it at the same time.” — Brin Manning, Performance Marketing Director, Tracsion

Baidu integrates with every network and affiliate easily, saving labor costs

“As a new global ad network, Baidu received many good consultations from the HasOffers team to help us grow without detours. Furthermore, HasOffers benefits our long-term business growth. Global advertisers and affiliates trust us more after they are aware that our platform is powered by HasOffers.” — Jason Sun, head of monetization team, Baidu’s global business unit

GetAds relies on the HasOffers device targeting and segmenting capabilities for growth

I think because we use HasOffers, it’s opened up a lot of who we work with, not only because of the API integration, especially on the mobile side, that makes it a must-have just because of the way the campaigns are always moving and changing. It’s definitely and then just the name with the whole TMC, that’s opened up several direct mobile developers that we may not have had before.” — Patrick Avery, head of operations, GetAds

Each week, we’ll be doing a deep dive into each of these client testimonials to spotlight how they use HasOffers. To stay updated on product updates, sign up for the blog digest.

Becky Doles

Becky is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at TUNE. Before TUNE, she handled content strategy and marketing communications at several tech startups in the Bay Area. Becky received her bachelor's degree in English from Wake Forest University. After a decade in San Francisco and Seattle, she has returned home to Charleston, SC, where you can find her strolling through Hampton Park with her pup and enjoying the simple things between adventures with friends and family.

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