Product News

How OGMobi Created a Profitable Mobile Monetization Tool

Becky Doles

2019 Update: HasOffers has rebranded to TUNE! TUNE is the same great technology behind HasOffers, now enhanced with new tools and features for affiliate networks and performance advertisers. Check out our new network features page, compare network pricing plans, or read the rebrand announcement.


Company Overview

OGMobi is a mobile advertising network specializing in connecting advertisers with publishers’ mobile traffic. The company offers unique mobile monetization tools like a mobile content locker and Mobile Rewards program, incentivizing users to download advertisers’ apps. Through OGMobi’s unique tools, apps can be promoted through iOS and Android, sending install data back to the advertiser. They offer reliable, secure, and accurate tools that guarantee timely payouts.


As a company in early development stages, OGMobi had their sights set on growing while maintaining a strong relationship with their advertisers and publishers. They needed a platform with an API that could support building a publisher network, custom ad units, as well as track clicks and conversions through postbacks.

Mobile Rewards, OGMobi’s newest mobile monetization tool, allows users to gain points by downloading sponsored apps. These points can then be applied to redeem awards. The goal for this tool is twofold—ensure that users receive their points quickly while also prohibiting them from fraudulently gaining points. For publishers, OGMobi needed to provide statistics for each of their individual tools on the dashboard—a feature they would need to build by leveraging a comprehensive API. Due to their unique needs, they sought a solution that could fully support all of these requests.


HasOffers, and especially its API, was fundamental in helping OGMobi through their initial growth. The objective was to create an exceptional publisher network that could build custom ad units from which publishers could monetize their mobile traffic. Not only was the dashboard and admin functionality straightforward to use, the publisher network was up and running in under a month—a quick turnaround compared to building inhouse, which can take longer than nine months.

OGMobi CEO, Tom Voitik, says HasOffers became the clear choice for four reasons—reputation, ease of use, tracking, and the API. He asserts, “We knew from being in the industry for a while that HasOffers was the go-to source for starting up your own publisher network, allowing us to grow and scale as quickly as we needed.”

Aside from choosing HasOffers for its reputation, OGMobi discovered the possibility to quickly test API calls on the site, saving time when creating their new mobile monetization tool. The API has given them the ability to automate procedures that were previously managed manually. This has helped them save time and allocate freed resources to projects that serve growing their bottom-line.

The tracking provided by HasOffers enables OGMobi to provide their publishers with valuable data in order for them to optimize their campaigns. Publishers are given visibility into exactly where their traffic is coming from and can use this information to make real-time campaign adjustments.


Using a combination of HasOffers’ API and postback functionality, Mobile Rewards provides a reliable, secure, and accurate way for advertisers to connect with publishers. As advertisers track their app downloads, OGMobi ensures that they receive payments on time and avoid discrepancies in their attribution data.

OGMobi has seen huge returns in automating their offer processes with HasOffers. For example, using the API to reduce duplicate offers, leaving only the highest-paying choice, allows OGMobi to maximize net revenue and ROI.

HasOffers enables communication to be tighter between publishers and advertisers, reducing discrepancies normally found between the two parties. Because connecting publishers and advertisers is an important facet of OGMobi’s business, they work closely with HasOffers to cut out discrepancies in conversion tracking, which can range between 15 to 25 percent industry wide. The transparency that HasOffers provides allows OGMobi to cut out the issue altogether, contributing to increase in revenue and building their reputation.

Using HasOffers’ API gives OGMobi the ability to provide publishers with an appealingand efficient experience. With only four employees, the ability to set up effective tools was critical to OGMobi’s success. They are now able to manage hundreds of offers. Voitik says, “Compared to our first month of running in August 2014, we have grown our monthly revenue by 400%.”

Voitik explains, “Utilizing the API helped us build awesome monetization tools without having to write much code,” resulting in more time to focus on other aspects of the business.

Not only have publisher signups increased, some publishers have also seen an increase of earnings using Mobile Rewards, enhancing the relationship between OGMobi and their clients.

Download the OGMobi case study here.

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Becky Doles

Becky is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at TUNE. Before TUNE, she handled content strategy and marketing communications at several tech startups in the Bay Area. Becky received her bachelor's degree in English from Wake Forest University. After a decade in San Francisco and Seattle, she has returned home to Charleston, SC, where you can find her strolling through Hampton Park with her pup and enjoying the simple things between adventures with friends and family.

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