
Pocket Media Puts Mobile First For Success In Performance Marketing

Becky Doles

2019 Update: HasOffers has rebranded to TUNE!  Read the rebrand announcement here or head to our homepage to learn more.

The data is everywhere, telling a story we’ve known to be true for quite some time. Not only do a majority of people in the U.S. now own a smartphone or tablet, but a recent report suggests that this year we will finally see these people start using their smartphone or tablet more than a desktop.

But what does that mean for advertisers – especially performance marketers?

Pocket Media, a start-up based in the Netherlands and founded in April 2012, is a performance based mobile agency specializing in mobile content products for the mobile web. By working as an AOR and exclusive mobile boutique network, Pocket Media helps advertisers optimize their pages for mobile and buy the best traffic for them.

To help track their sales per publisher or affiliate, Pocket Media works with HasOffers, which Benjamin Pomerantz, founder of Pocket Media, says “also provides a nice login for our partners to keep track of their performance.” Pocket Media also uses a proprietary reporting solution to report every aspect on the click of the mobile user. Pomerantz says that “linked with HasOffers, this gives a full overview of the performance and we can optimize together with our publishers to reach the best goal possible.”

Pocket Media recognizes that while mobile is quickly becoming the primary platform for many consumers, Europe is slightly behind the adoption rates in the US. However, Pomerantz explains that “this is Pocket Media’s advantage. We are a Dutch based agency – in Amsterdam – and work with most big advertisers in Europe. We are taking them through a learning process and becoming a close partner this way. “ Pomerantz adds that the company is successful because they know that “in order to be successful in mobile you need to be transparent with your advertisers and publishers and work close together. The success lies in the reporting systems you have.”

This is particularly why Pocket Media chose HasOffers. As Pomerantz says, “HasOffers makes it easy for us as the sign-up and tracking process saves a lot of time so the sales managers can focus on the real importance: Traffic and results.” He adds that HasOffers helps them to “keep costs low and not take any risks on 3rd party platforms.”

Besides using HasOffers, Pomerantz says the key to Pocket Media’s success has been “worshiping” three cornerstones: Transparency, Efficiency and Partnership. Ultimately, he says, Pocket Media’s vision is to leverage the trend of mobile adoption by consumers – and then “create order in the chaos called mobile advertising.”

For more information about Pocket Media, read their TUNE case study here.

Becky Doles

Becky is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at TUNE. Before TUNE, she handled content strategy and marketing communications at several tech startups in the Bay Area. Becky received her bachelor's degree in English from Wake Forest University. After a decade in San Francisco and Seattle, she has returned home to Charleston, SC, where you can find her strolling through Hampton Park with her pup and enjoying the simple things between adventures with friends and family.

2 responses to “Pocket Media Puts Mobile First For Success In Performance Marketing”

  1. Stephanie says:

    email Benjamin Pomerantz is not working! – [email protected]

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