Product News

AdWords, iTunes, Tailored Audiences, and more

Becky Doles


Final URL & Tracking Template Setup

Wondering where to put your MAT measurement URL in the new AdWords campaign setup flow now?

Previously you could simply place the MAT measurement URL into the Destination URL field and call it a day. Now you have a Final URL field along with AD URL options including a field for a Tracking template and customer parameters.

When setting up a campaign in your AdWords account using this new flow, simply input your MAT measurement URL in the Tracking Template field (under Ad URL options) and you can call it a day once again.

Keep in mind that the Final URL for your campaign will always be the App Store URL for you mobile app and cannot contain a third party redirect URL.

No Click Redirects for Android Mobile App Install Ads on the Google Search Network

Now that we’ve clarified where to insert a MAT measurement URL in the AdWords campaign setup flow, we’re going to tell you that you won’t even need a MAT measurement URL for Android Mobile App Install Ads on the Google Search Network.

Beginning July 15, 2014 — for mobile app install ads on the Google Search Network for Android only — you won’t need to generate a MAT measurement URL at all.

AdWords will automatically append your Final URL with the Value Track parameters that we’ll use to provide reporting for your AdWords campaign in your MAT account.

For more information on the TUNE – Google AdWords integration, please see our dedicated Google AdWords section of our support documentation.

App Analytics - iTunesApple iTunes App Analytics Integration

You can now use MAT in conjunction with the new Apple iTunes App Analytics platform to get the most out of your campaign performance analysis.

With this integration you can still use a single MAT measurement URL for campaign measurement across both your MAT and Apple iTunes App Analytics accounts, enabling you to compare performance across both the iOS and Android platforms.

Set up the TUNE – Apple iTunes App Analytics integration today.

Tailored Audiences - TwitterTwitter Tailored Audiences

If you run advertising campaigns on Twitter, you’ve probably already heard about their Tailored Audiences functionality that allows you to create targetable audience segments based on mobile app actions (install, purchase, sign-up).

As one of Twitter’s Official Partners, our integration is streamlined to automatically send Twitter all of your historical install data to be included as a tailored audience for negative targeting (i.e. exclude pre-existing users). This means you won’t have to spend your hard-earned money needlessly advertising to users who already have your app(s) installed.

For more information on the TUNE – Twitter integration, please see our dedicated Twitter section of our support documentation.

Retention Report

Over the last 6 months, we’ve been developing a new reporting framework to provide better and faster ad-hoc analytic requests. We’ve applied this new and improved framework to our Retention report enabling new enhancements.

First and foremost, we now use the rolling retention method to calculate your app’s retention rates. The Rolling method also calculates retention by taking into account if the user is active in the current period. But in contrast to Classic retention, the Rolling method further considers if the user is active in a future time period. This method fills the gaps of user activity since it accounts for future activity.

For more information the Retention report, please see our support documentation on how to understand retention and the various methods of calculation as well as how to create a retention report in your MAT account.

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Becky Doles

Becky is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at TUNE. Before TUNE, she handled content strategy and marketing communications at several tech startups in the Bay Area. Becky received her bachelor's degree in English from Wake Forest University. After a decade in San Francisco and Seattle, she has returned home to Charleston, SC, where you can find her strolling through Hampton Park with her pup and enjoying the simple things between adventures with friends and family.

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