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TUNE House: Now Accepting Applications for Women-in-Tech Scholarship

Becky Doles

tune house women in tech

Ever strike you as odd that, while the United States is equal parts female and male, the stats at tech companies are dramatically different?

At Google and Facebook, women make up 30% of the overall workforce. However, when it comes to women in technical roles, the gender gap widens. Just 17% of technical positions at Google are filled by females, 15% at Facebook, and only 10% at Twitter.

There is a huge gender disparity in tech, and as a part of the tech community, TUNE decided to take a creative approach to closing the gender gap. We had a simple three-step plan: The first step is admitting a problem. The second step is awareness. The third step? Do something about it.

That’s where the TUNE House came in. Our vision was to create a collaborative environment for women aligned in their efforts to be innovative and outstanding leaders in the tech industry.

The TUNE House was introduced last year to support women gaining an education in computer science or information technology at the University of Washington, to not only provide off-campus housing and other schooling needs to the eight students selected to live there, but also to cultivate their success by pairing residents with mentors and providing exposure to technical careers and local employers.

And it’s been awesome. So now with our first year under our belt, we have our sights set on the future.

Announcing the Second Year of TUNE House

TUNE is now accepting applications for the 2016-2017 academic year for students interested in calling the TUNE House their home. This second year of our fully-funded scholarship program is open to all female undergraduates pursuing computer science or information technology degrees at the University of Washington.

Students are expected to focus on developing their own academic and entrepreneurial interests in whatever ways are meaningful to them and are encouraged to pursue whichever career path inspires them. (The TUNE House is independent of any employment or internship program.)

For more information or to apply, submit your application March 1–15. Apply to TUNE House, year two.

Scholarship benefits include free housing at our fully remodeled 3,000 square foot, eight-bedroom house that boasts three full kitchens, fully furnished common areas, washer/dryer, fenced backyard, basement and dedicated parking just three blocks from campus. Additionally, residents are provided with weekly groceries, laptops and technology, a supportive community of technologists, access to professional mentors, networking opportunities, community involvement and volunteering.

tune house women in tech

A Look Back at the Inception of TUNE House

It’s been amazing to watch the eight current residents of the house evolve and flourish over the course of the school year. They’ve been connected with mentors from TUNE, but more importantly, have served as mentors to one another, encouraging and motivating each other to be their highest and best selves as technologists.

The TUNE House has served as a supportive community where these females with passions of excelling in technology could co-exist, co-learn, and thrive.

More Good Stuff in Action

At TUNE, we’re about creating innovative and impactful technology for marketers. We’re also about creating an environment where the builders and connectors of technology can thrive.

2015 was a big year for us. The TUNE House came into fruition, and we’re proud to inspire young women to pursue their passions and attract more women into technology careers. Watch the behind-the-scenes video and read the full story by the people who made it a reality.

We also saw employees step up to drive initiatives focusing on making a difference. TUNE Cares was formed to focus resources on social responsibility. At the same time, we formed We Lead as an internal initiative to help the effort of bridging the gender diversity gap in our industry.

We’ll keep you posted as we progress on these initiatives.

“Women should be equally represented in the tech industry, so we’re taking action to help cultivate their success.” – TUNE House Mission

Visit to get involved. Apply for this scholarship at

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Becky Doles

Becky is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at TUNE. Before TUNE, she handled content strategy and marketing communications at several tech startups in the Bay Area. Becky received her bachelor's degree in English from Wake Forest University. After a decade in San Francisco and Seattle, she has returned home to Charleston, SC, where you can find her strolling through Hampton Park with her pup and enjoying the simple things between adventures with friends and family.

2 responses to “TUNE House: Now Accepting Applications for Women-in-Tech Scholarship”

  1. We are really happy for that women are get chance for application in Tune house. The scholarship in tech education inspire the woman come ahead for invention. ..

  2. This is not so easy for us to dis-crease the gender discrimination with out education. There is a huge gender disparity in tech, and as a part of the tech community, we are happy that TUNE decided to take a creative approach to closing the gender gap. ..

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