Mobile Ecosystem

MobileBest: What It Means and Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore It

Becky Doles

what is mobilebest

You may have heard us repeating a phrase around these parts lately: MobileBest. But what exactly is MobileBest, and why is it the strategy that’s going to separate you from the millions of other companies there? And why the heck can’t we stop talking about it?

Why MobileBest Matters

MobileBest is delivering the best experience to a customer for whichever avenue they’re accessing your company. It’s not enough anymore to build just a great app, or even to focus your efforts on just an optimized mobile website. Research shows that users access the internet not only on their desktop computers, smartphones, and tablets, but on gaming consoles, smart TVs, smart watches, and smart wristbands. Plus, with a saturated app market — 5 million apps in the app stores combined, at last count — and consumers increasingly resistant to downloading new apps, it’s important that your mobile strategy goes beyond just app or web. That you focus your marketing not on the channel, but on the user.

Think about it: If you’re like me (and most other customers), you’ll browse the internet when standing in line at the store. Maybe you’ll download the app if pushed to it, or maybe you’ll browse the product again on your iPad when you’re watching TV at home. If you’re near a store, you’ll appreciate a well-timed push notification offering you a coupon, and you might just stop in to shop because of it. So as a company, it’s imperative that you’re not only able to deliver an impactful experience regardless of the platform customers are using, but that you can also measure across all of them. Otherwise, you’re creating a disconnected experience for your customers, and missing out on major opportunities to deliver value and drive revenue.

[bctt tweet=”To be #MobileBest, your brand must be people-centric, with a strategy that dominates across web and app.” username=”tune”]

Take it from TUNE veteran Ian Sefferman: “I like to think of mobile as the gateway to a person’s digital identity. It’s getting consumers to the content they want the fastest, sometimes before they even realize it. It’s a people-centric approach.”

How to Become a MobileBest Brand

So how do you become a company that operates not just as mobile-first, but as MobileBest? Over the coming weeks, we’ll dive into what it means to operate as a MobileBest brand: what you should measure, which tools will help you, how top executives are thinking about it, and examples of brands hitting it out of the park. Subscribe to our community to be a part of the conversation, or message us in the comments below with your burning questions and MobileBest experiences that left you wowed.

Becky Doles

Becky is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at TUNE. Before TUNE, she handled content strategy and marketing communications at several tech startups in the Bay Area. Becky received her bachelor's degree in English from Wake Forest University. After a decade in San Francisco and Seattle, she has returned home to Charleston, SC, where you can find her strolling through Hampton Park with her pup and enjoying the simple things between adventures with friends and family.

2 responses to “MobileBest: What It Means and Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore It”

  1. nicholsonjf says:

    Can you guys crop out that guy in the black shirt? He’s giving me a frighten, and not making me feel my #MobileBest

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