As a Texas native, I was proud to hear that Texas affiliates showed up in true “Remember the Alamo” style to stand up against the Affiliate Nexus Bill. On Monday, March 28th more than 30 affiliates walked up the capital steps to testify in opposition to the proposed bills. According to the PMA, about 10 affiliates were actually able to testify, telling the Ways and Means Committee how this Nexus Bill would dramatically impact their businesses and force some of them to take residence in a different state.
The Performance Marketing Association has done a fantastic job running around the country, fighting Nexus Tax, but the participation from Texas affiliates last week was unprecedented. I want to say how incredible it is that the PMA is able to unify members of an industry that is often thought of as a dog eat dog, every man for himself sort of industry. According to Rebecca Madigan with the PMA, there will not be much motion on the bill for a couple of weeks, so stay tuned to see what happens.
Here’s the line up.
We would like to recognize the affiliates who testified (listed by the PMA):

HasOffers would like to thank these affiliates. We know how valuable their time is and how each of them thought it important enough to make an appearance at their state capital.
If you know these affiliates, be sure to send them your thanks for speaking out against the Nexus Tax and standing up for affiliates everywhere. I think it is completely appropriate to send them a note or even a gift of appreciation. This is exactly the type of participation we need to ensure the growth and innovation in performance marketing, and we thank these people for being examples to us all.
A digital marketer by background, Peter is the former CEO of TUNE, the enterprise platform for partner marketing. In 2018, he sold TUNE’s mobile measurement product to Branch, unifying measurement and user experience. He led TUNE’s efforts to bring better management technology and automation to marketing partnerships, across affiliates, influencers, networks, and business development relationships. Follow @peterhamilton
I’m not from Texas but I’ll support the cause. Let me know anything I can do!
[…] “Texas Affiliates Show Up for Battle“ – The Performance Marketing Association has been fighting the Nexus Tax for a while now. Recently, some Texas affiliates joined the fight and testified! No tags for this post. Posted in Week In Review Tweet ADVERTISEMENT […]
[…] “Texas Affiliates Show Up for Battle“ – The Performance Marketing Association has been fighting the Nexus Tax for a while now. Recently, some Texas affiliates joined the fight and testified! Original Post: Week In Review: eBay & Texas Affiliates Have Attitude […]
[…] “Texas Affiliates Show Up for Battle“ – The Performance Marketing Association has been fighting the Nexus Tax for a while now. Recently, some Texas affiliates joined the fight and testified! Original Post: Week In Review: eBay & Texas Affiliates Have Attitude […]
[…] “Texas Affiliates Show Up for Battle“ – The Performance Marketing Association has been fighting the Nexus Tax for a while now. Recently, some Texas affiliates joined the fight and testified! Original Post: Week In Review: eBay & Texas Affiliates Have Attitude […]
[…] of Cartera, and Matthew Schaefer. Related reading on this blog: How Far Does Affiliate Nexas Go? Texas Affiliates Show Up for Battle Amazon Affiliates Are Not […]