Success Stories

Why Did We Integrate with HasOffers? It’s Efficient, Flexible and Dependable.

Becky Doles

Even though it feels like yesterday, the first time Leadmill became acquainted with HasOffers was back in 2011. At that time, HasOffers was still in its early stages—just like us.

As an unconventional mobile advertising company, we were searching for a dependable platform to build our technology on top of. For us, HasOffers undoubtedly proved to be the best choice.

Finding the right solution
We were eager to find the perfect tool for our tracking purposes and had a clear idea of exactly what we needed.

From the beginning of our journey, we knew that we would be using several platforms and web services to build a complete automated and tailored system. Our top requirements were flexibility and reliability. Equally, our goal was to automate our daily manual tasks such as campaign implementation, publisher/advertiser integration and invoicing as much as possible. Doing so, our team would only need to review the task dashboard and approve processes with one click.

Sooner or later during the search process, we realized that none of the options available in the market could fulfill all of our requirements. But even at that time, HasOffers had something special.

HasOffers improves our efficiency
Every cloud has a silver lining, and HasOffers showed to be the perfect solution for both our goals and requirements.

Even their first API version, gave us the capability to integrate their platform with Zoho (Zoho Invoices) and MailChimp. Both tools are great complements to HasOffers. By using these tools, we are able to distribute our campaign updates directly to all publishers and automatically tailor them to each unique publisher’s requirements. We can also automatically link all receivables and payables to our pre-existent invoicing platform, Zoho, with absolutely minimum time spent.

Automating most of the manual tasks of moving information through one system to another caused our team’s efficiency to increase quite significantly, and that is why we’re able to deliver results to our clients on a larger international scale with a comparable smaller team.

The flexibility and reliability of the HasOffers API
We truly believe APIs and SDKs are the best option in terms of integration between services, and we know that the TUNE team shares this sentiment. HasOffers’ strong and well-documented API is just an example of how data can be extracted and integrated in other platforms to add more value.

The API gave us enough flexibility to make the most of the HasOffers tracking engine and build proprietary products on top, such as the Leadmill Smart SDK. Also, it allowed us to add tailored tasks to the platform to automate our daily tasks and integrate with other platforms.

As an example, we used the HasOffers API to develop different ways to add, create and target campaigns for our customers. We asked them about their needs and then worked on making it as effortless as possible for them to work with us (less time consuming and offering additional targeting options).

We have also added several larger changes to the default layout that has made our interface and platform more unique, as well as other seemingly small changes—like renaming of some industry concepts (e.g., “affiliate” to “publisher”). Being able to adapt the platform accordingly to our company profile is really what gives us an advantage when facing the needs of our partners and customers.

Having such a great partnership with HasOffers and trust in their platform gives us a great deal of confidence as a fast-moving and innovative mobile advertising company. In fact, the future looks extremely bright for Leadmill. We are very excited to continue to grow our business in the years ahead and are looking forward to continuing our strong partnership with HasOffers.

Get in touch!
Are you curious to know more about Leadmill and how we can profit your business through Mobile Advertising? Or, are you interested in getting deeper insights to how we worked around with the various integrations? Feel free to get in touch with us through [email protected] or by visiting our website at

You can also follow our daily life on Twitter: @TeamLeadmill or LinkedIn:

Becky Doles

Becky is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at TUNE. Before TUNE, she handled content strategy and marketing communications at several tech startups in the Bay Area. Becky received her bachelor's degree in English from Wake Forest University. After a decade in San Francisco and Seattle, she has returned home to Charleston, SC, where you can find her strolling through Hampton Park with her pup and enjoying the simple things between adventures with friends and family.

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