Success Stories

Customer Spotlight: Tyroo

Becky Doles

Tyroo1I’m consistently reminded of how truly global a company we are when I connect with our clients. Back in July, I had the pleasure of speaking with Manish Vij, Founder and CEO of SVG Media—the largest Indian digital media network. He talks about the importance that HasOffers’ global footprint played in deciding on a performance marketing platform for SVG Media subsidiary, Tyroo. Manish recalls, “We chose HasOffers because of the global footprint and credibility of the platform.”

Headquartered in New Delhi, Tryoo is the leading performance network in Asia Pacific. The company works with over 5,000 publishers around the world and reaches over 75% of advertisers in India. Manish explains, “We work with almost every large enterprise client in India and out of Southeast Asia and the Middle East. All these clients need robust, credible software to run their performance marketing campaigns.”

Looking for a performance marketing solution to complement their marketplace platform, Tyroo Central, Tyroo finds HasOffers to be the ideal fit. Manish says, “We, of course, looked around at a lot of platforms across the world. This decision was made with a good amount of knowledge and experience. The reason why we picked HasOffers is because we wanted a platform that is as scalable, as reliable, as credible and, more importantly, as widely-known globally.”

Experiencing astounding success, Tyroo is growing at a rate of 100% year-over-year. They have taken their business global, having opened offices in Southeast Asia and the Middle East. And, they plan to open more offices in other developed markets on the mobile front. “We see HasOffers as a great partner to globalize us. We are very strong in India and Southeast Asia, but when we approach markets that are more developed, HasOffers is known there. I would say HasOffers, as a partner, is helping us globalize.”

Tyroo found the reputation of HasOffers to be very strong within the global community and a valuable selling point. Manish says, “Because we are now going global, we wanted a platform that is more globally renowned and globally available, and globally talked about. Once you are in global offices, you can talk about using a platform that is known by everyone, at least on the mobile side of the business. HasOffers is helping us go global much easier.”

Mobile is also a big focus for Tyroo, and they need a partner that is like-minded in that respect. They see HasOffers as a mobile pioneer and a partner that can support their growing mobile demands. Manish remembers, “When we saw a fast growth of our advertisers’ traffic on mobile, it was the right time to make ourselves mobile first. Therefore, HasOffers came into play. Apart from serviceability and scalability, one of the reasons why we also chose HasOffers, was because HasOffers was amongst the first few platforms in our performance industry that was not only integrated with a variety of advertisers, but was also giving us a platform that was mobile first and mobile ready.”

Manish makes an interesting point regarding emerging markets and their need for validation from software providers. He articulates his view, “Right now, India and Southeast Asia might not be as huge as a U.S. or European market, but the emerging markets need the warmth of people’s commitment to service those markets. That warmth, that commitment, is what we see present in the HasOffers team, which is present in very few global platforms. And, that is actually one of the very critical decision points when we look at and choose world-class platforms to work with us.”

He goes on to say, “The fact that HasOffers has a committed team based out of Tel Aviv, to service the Asian markets and the emerging markets, I think that’s a very good symbol that they are committed to Asia and committed to emerging markets. Apart from the platform being super scalable, reliable and credible, this is an important criterion for us about the commitment to servicing the emerging markets.”

Manish speaks about how impressed he is with the connections he’s made through HasOffers. He concludes, “HasOffers is helping us grow our business. It has become a platform where people can actually do business together. The team is helping us meet people we can do business with. Not just in our markets, but globally. It’s an eye-opener for me. That’s a very good commitment that we will go long term working with HasOffers. That’s a very important aspect of working relationship with HasOffers.”

Manish compares his experience of working with HasOffers to other companies. He said, “We work with world-class advertising software (companies), across various needs. The HasOffers team is amongst the best of the platforms we work with.”

Thank you, Manish! We are grateful for your glowing endorsement.

Becky Doles

Becky is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at TUNE. Before TUNE, she handled content strategy and marketing communications at several tech startups in the Bay Area. Becky received her bachelor's degree in English from Wake Forest University. After a decade in San Francisco and Seattle, she has returned home to Charleston, SC, where you can find her strolling through Hampton Park with her pup and enjoying the simple things between adventures with friends and family.

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