Success Stories

Phunware Advertising Increases Revenue by 50% Using HasOffers

Becky Doles


2019 Update: HasOffers has rebranded to TUNE! TUNE is the same great technology behind HasOffers, now enhanced with new tools and features for performance advertisers and affiliate networks. Check out our new platform features page, sign up for a free trial, or read the rebrand announcement.

Launched in 2009 and headquartered in Austin, Texas, Phunware provides solutions for brands that want to succeed on mobile—everything from building apps to mobile strategies for engaging, managing, and monetizing users. The company offers business and product strategy, from conceptualization and research to UX design and technical architecture. Regardless of their stage of mobile development, Phunware can help all advertisers with a wide variety of features to support their brand to engage with mobile audiences. Because Phunware has developed hundreds of apps, it has access to exclusive inventory and proprietary data that helps power and advance its growing mobile advertising platform. This allows for more accurate targeting and attribution to maximize the effectiveness of campaigns.


As a quickly-growing company gaining large accounts just as rapidly, Phunware needed a dual-purpose solution—one that could accurately track data points, as well as support server-to-server tracking to report mobile data. Additionally, it had to be a solution that could scale as the business grew. Before working with HasOffers, they encountered issues with other software products which included technical problems, tracking delays, and broken tracking.

Phunware VP of Performance Advertising, Jay Loveridge recalls, “When issues like these occurred, we lost revenue and momentum with our campaigns. The ability to accurately track our performance data with very little disruption (or none at all) is extremely important and the reason HasOffers is so vital to our business.”

A solution which could provide consistent, reliable tracking with accurate attribution was vital to begin serious growth in the company.


Having implemented HasOffers during the early stages of the business, Phunware was able to scale efficiently and Loveridge says HasOffers has been a “crucial asset” to the company.

What set HasOffers apart as the leading choice for Phunware was:
1. User Experience: The HasOffers interface is flexible for white labeling and makes it easy to generate reports.
2. Tech Support and Account Management: Access to 24/7 tech support that is quick and dependable.
3. Technical Reliability: Trustworthy platform with virtually no downtime allows for accurate attribution and the ability to make decisions based on real-time data.


Choosing HasOffers has given Phunware the ability to expand their performance business by efficiently managing and optimizing campaigns. They achieved an increase in revenue, as well as successes for their clients.

Loveridge says, “HasOffers has helped our performance business increase our revenues by 50% year-over-year, and we continue to see success with top developers due to the efficiencies that TUNE provides.”

Phunware’s clients have also experienced the benefit of using HasOffers. In fact, a gaming company—which uses Phunware’s advertising platform—has delivered over two million high LTV installs, a lucrative outcome for both the gaming company and Phunware.

Overall, Phunware has seen staggering growth in both clicks and conversions. Since only 2014, clicks have grown 8.6 times, while conversions have risen 3.8 times. To date, the company’s clicks have increased 194 times, with conversions surging 74 times since becoming a HasOffers customer in 2012.

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Becky Doles

Becky is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at TUNE. Before TUNE, she handled content strategy and marketing communications at several tech startups in the Bay Area. Becky received her bachelor's degree in English from Wake Forest University. After a decade in San Francisco and Seattle, she has returned home to Charleston, SC, where you can find her strolling through Hampton Park with her pup and enjoying the simple things between adventures with friends and family.

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