Company News

Time to Evolve with Mobile Targeting on HasOffers

Peter Hamilton

image of an arrow target

2019 Update: HasOffers has rebranded to TUNE! Read the rebrand announcement here or head to our homepage to learn more.

If you’re not already familiar, we have a CODE at HasOffers. Literally, the hasCODE is Collaborate, Optimize, Do, and Evolve. These are the four main expectations we have for every HasOffers employee, but are also the expectations we uphold ourselves to when helping our clients. We work hard to help our clients collaborate with other partners and relationships, we hope to optimize the user experience and work flows of our products, we focus on features and improvements that impact real work and output (that would be the do), and we are constantly innovating and evolving.

Today I want to talk about the “E” of the hasCODE: Evolve. For the HasOffers product, we see a major need for evolution to align with mobile trends. If you are already familiar with our product MobileAppTracking – attribution analytics for mobile apps – you may have already guessed why we believe adjusting for the challenges of mobile advertising is so important. Nevertheless, I would like to take a minute to explain why, as mobile targeting is such a vital piece of the puzzle.

Our MobileAppTracking customers are all direct advertisers, while HasOffers supports networks, agencies, media buyers, and a host of hardcore performance marketers who need attribution technology as well as a heavy feature set to support their business relationships. Nearly every single one of those HasOffers customers are realizing that the largest growing segment of eyeballs on the Internet – as well as the clicks they’re already tracking – are on smartphones and tablets.

The way people are interacting with the Internet is going through a very dramatic shift. According to Flurry in the research below, 80% of smartphone usage is through native mobile apps rather than the mobile web. Buying habits are going mobile, leisure time is spent on mobile, and people are booking most of their last minute travel and entertainment over mobile.


If performance marketers have one major strength, it is the ability to meet users where they are and fill their needs with the right offer. Successful publishers know their audiences, track user intent, and create incredible funnel experiences that drive conversions. Mobile devices have the ability to enhance that strength and drive incredible results.

On top of that, advertisers on mobile are demanding performance metrics. They don’t trust fat finger clicking and finger flicking scrolling. Performance marketers, networks, and agencies are the best equipped to immediately provide performance and results driven campaigns for advertisers, and now is the time for them to jump in with both feet.

The first step and potential barrier for mobile offers is a technological one. Without segmenting traffic properly and targeting by mobile parameters it is very difficult to take advantage of the data to optimize conversions. Most tools have some sort of browser/device targeting, but today we’ve released a greatly improved version with more granular rules and better usability. By adding targeting rules to your offer, you can make sure users only see that particular offer version when they’re using the correct device, operating system, etc.


Proper targeting is also a step toward helping HasOffers clients work with advertisers who have chosen MobileAppTracking as their attribution analytics by enabling HasOffers clients to send iOS and Android device specific traffic to advertisers who are promoting mobile apps (More on how this integration works here).

Advanced mobile targeting is just one way we’re evolving with the industry and providing the tools our clients need to evolve, and we see this evolution as critical to the long term success of all our products. So please, if you’re not already effectively monetizing your mobile traffic, get started now. Before you know it we’ll be moving onto wearables and other devices and if you didn’t keep up with the transition to mobile you’ll be left in the dust.

As always, I hope you’ll give us feedback on this new feature and let us know what enhancements will make it even more effective for the success of your business. I want to say a big thank you to the entire performance advertising industry for all of your support along this path and I can’t wait to see where it takes us.


Peter Hamilton

A digital marketer by background, Peter is the former CEO of TUNE, the enterprise platform for partner marketing. In 2018, he sold TUNE’s mobile measurement product to Branch, unifying measurement and user experience. He led TUNE’s efforts to bring better management technology and automation to marketing partnerships, across affiliates, influencers, networks, and business development relationships. Follow @peterhamilton

One response to “Time to Evolve with Mobile Targeting on HasOffers”

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