Product News

TUNE Product Highlights: 2018 Update

Becky Doles

At TUNE, we continue creating new opportunities for digital marketers and their advertising partners to optimize ROI.  This will be a central theme of Postback 2018 and remain our primary focus moving forward.  Today we’ll share a snapshot of what we’ve launched, the differences we’re making for our customers, and what’s on the horizon for the rest of this year.

First Things First: #Postback18

If you haven’t already registered, time is short.  The big event will take place this Thursday and Friday in Seattle and features an outstanding lineup of tech industry luminaries, thought leaders, and entertainers.  For additional information on the agenda and who’s attending, check out our Postback page here.  

Forward Progress

As a measurement company with deep expertise in attribution and analytics, we emphasize customer-first thinking in everything we do.  It’s how we’ve established our track record of success among many of the world’s biggest brands.  It’s also the driving force behind the product launches and upgrades we’ve recently brought to market, including:    

Reinstalls reporting.  In May, we were the first company to integrate the updated Apple Search Ads Attribution API and accurately measure app redownloads.  This enables TUNE customers to measure the difference between a new and returning app user, and as a result helps marketers tailor their efforts based upon specific acquisition and retention goals.  The same capabilities are available for Android apps. A deep-dive of our research on this game-changing capability is available here: App Reinstalls: A Sleeping Giant in Mobile User Acquisition.  (Quick preview: a surprising 42% of installs are reinstalls.)

TUNE Links.  We’ve been in the links business since our company was founded over nine years ago.  Today, our solutions continue setting the standard for cross-screen, cross-platform measurement.  Recent advances have centered on improving workflows, starting with a simpler way to route users to the best possible experiences, whether or not users have a particular app installed.  Additional background info is available at, including how to create a TUNE Link and The TUNE Guide to TUNE Links.  Stay tuned for more in the months ahead. (We know it’s a pun.)    

Event attribution windows.  Customers now have more control in determining which conversions should be credited to partners, and which — absent more recent paid engagement — should be treated as organic. Configurable attribution windows help reduce discrepancies with partners and more accurately reflect ROI.  Additional details on this feature are available here.

Data visualization updates.  Based on customer feedback, we recently released multiple data visualization and graphing improvements to our Actuals Report.  These updates add depth to campaign and marketing performance insights and include: table filtering, the ability to graph multiple metrics at once, interval graphs, and new cumulative data views, among others.  Customers can log in to the tune platform to learn more about how to put these features to work.  

Improved fingerprinting.  All TUNE customers have been updated to a more granular and rigorous fingerprint attribution model.  This new model improves our ability to reconcile device information in cases where fraudulent activity is suspected.  One of the best features of this fraud detection methodology: there’s no development work required by TUNE customers to implement it.  

Facebook attribution reporting.  Customers can now view Facebook aggregate app install performance data in their Attribution Analytics Actuals Report. This data includes impressions, clicks, installs, paid events, and revenue, whether or not customers have the Facebook SDK installed. This change is providing a more streamlined process for comparing data from Facebook and TUNE attributed partners in one interface, freeing precious time to focus on optimizing growth. For more on the benefits of this update and how to get started, check out our technical documentation.

GDPR.  The long-awaited regulation has officially entered its enforcement phase.  As you’re likely aware, a key element of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is letting end users choose what happens to their personal data, also known as “The Right to be Forgotten.”  To help TUNE customers adhere to the requirements of GDPR, we’ve introduced new, configurable data retention policies, new hashtag policies, and more. For a quick refresher on these and other changes, including requirements for data sanitization, IP obfuscation, log-level data, cookie consent, and other privacy policies, check out our GDPR page.  Customers can also reach out to their CSM or contact TUNE support at any time.       

Also: The TUNE Certified Partner Program.  Earlier this year we announced five additions to our Certified Partner ProgramAdAction Interactive, Affle, Dynalyst, GlobalWide Media, and Nswitch join a growing community of advertising partners who have completed our certification process and implemented mobile marketing best practices.  The Certified Partner Program helps marketers find trusted advertising partners while promoting more transparency throughout the digital marketing industry.  It’s a win-win.

To Be Continued

Our roadmap is filled with innovative solutions to many of today’s biggest marketing challenges.  Looking ahead, we’ll continue defining new expectations for links, a category in which we’ve long held a competitive advantage.  We’ll also remain at the front of our field in reporting, web and app attribution, and more. It’s going to be an outstanding second half of the year.  

To our current customers, thanks for joining us.  It’s only getting better. And to those considering whether or when to hop aboard, we’ll do all we can to make it worth your time and energy.  For a demo or to learn more about how to put TUNE to work for you, drop us a line.  You’re the reason we’re here.  

Becky Doles

Becky is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at TUNE. Before TUNE, she handled content strategy and marketing communications at several tech startups in the Bay Area. Becky received her bachelor's degree in English from Wake Forest University. After a decade in San Francisco and Seattle, she has returned home to Charleston, SC, where you can find her strolling through Hampton Park with her pup and enjoying the simple things between adventures with friends and family.

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